Rules & Regulations
● To get booking confirmation advance payment is compulsory.
● Management reserves the right to Allow or Cancel any booking
● Kindly report 10 minutes prior to the playing time. No grace period allowed after the booking
time. Additional time extension is on chargeable basis if next time slot is not booked by other players.
● NOT more than 14 players allowed inside the play area. Friends, Visitors and Cheer leaders are
requested to stay outside play area
● Management is not responsible for injuries that take place inside play area
● Persons booking Futsal and Box-Cricket are restricted to enter other area in the Academy
premises except Washrooms & Parking
● Frisking and checking of the persons can be done by Security inside the premises. Everyone are
requested to co-operate with the staff
● Please maintain discipline and decorum
● Players, Guests, Visitors are requested to take care of their own belongings.
Management is not responsible for loss of any items
● Kits, Bags and other carrying items (if any) need to be kept outside the play area
● Smoking, Drinking, Tobacco Chewing and Spitting strictly NOT ALOWED inside the premises.
If anyone caught doing so, Management reserves the right to take disciplinary action
● No Eatables or Beverages allowed inside the play area
● No playing in the Parking lot
● Do not Stand or Sit by taking the support or leaning towards or against the Net
● Using of abusive language and un-professional or non-sportive behavior not allowed
● SHARP STUD, BLADE or MARKING shoes not allowed inside the play area